Reports and Reconciliation

There are two types of integrated health fund reports: a claims reconciliation report and a payments reconciliation report. The claims reconciliation report provides a list of all claims processed for a given calendar day. The payments reconciliation report provides a report of payments made by funds that are settled by DXC. Funds that are classified as non-consolidated by DXC will not appear in these reports. Please click the link to view consolidated and non-consolidated funds DXC HP Health Funds by Modalityt .


Please note that developing this feature is optional.


This example using jsFiddle shows how iClient can be used to access canned reports.

Demo - JS Fiddle

JS Fiddle

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HealthPoint Claims Reconciliation Example

// Claims Report for 24th June, 2015
        reportType: "claims",
        reconDate: "20150624"

The response body consists of the following XML elements (see table below for example):

Response element name Description
claims-reconciliation-response/claims-reconciliation Contains report header elements
claims-reconciliation-response/claims-reconciliation/healthpoint-terminal-id Terminal id in the DXC system (This value is different to the Tyro TID)
claims-reconciliation-response/claims-reconciliation/claim-date Date of the claims included in the report (Note that amended claims may be included from a different date if the amendment took place on this date). Value is in yyyyMMdd format.
claims-reconciliation-response/claim Contains details of a claim.
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/terminal-date-time Local time on the terminal when the claim was submitted. Value is in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/transaction-date-time Time that the claim was received by the DXC Claim Server.
Value is in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/response-date-time Time that the claim response was received by the DXC Claim Server.
Value is in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/settlement-date-time Time that the payment instruction is expected to be sent to DXC's bank for execution. Value is in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/provider-id Provider who made the claim.
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/private-health-fund-id Fund that processed the claim
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/ref-tag The reference tag generated by the terminal that identifies a transaction per terminal
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/status Status of the claim, as swhon in below table.
Status Definition
NEW Claim is approved but not yet settled.
CAN Claim has been cancelled.
VOID Claim rejected by user.
AVOID Claim autovoided (reversed) due to system error.
PAY Settled via DXC consolidated settlement.
PRC Required action processed (reversed).
TPY Test Paid. Settled by fund directly.
EST Rebate Estimate. Gap amount returned but not an approved claim.
Response element name Description
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/total-claim-amount Total claim amount in cents.
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/private-health-fund-total-benefit-amount Benefit amount in cents.
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/private-health-fund-response-code Response code from the fund, or 32 for adjustment via CSS, or 93 if no response from fund.
claims-reconciliation-response/claim/text Any text entered when the claim was amended.
claims-reconciliation-response/check Contains a summary of the reconciliation data. Can be used to check that all expected claims have been received and processed.
claims-reconciliation-response/check/total-number-claims Total number of claim elements.
claims-reconciliation-response/check/sum-benefit-amount Sum of all benefit amounts, in cents.
claims-reconciliation-response/check/sum-claim-amount Sum of all claim amounts, in cents.

Example claims reconciliation report response XML

        <status>e.g. NEW, PAY, TPY (see table above)</status>
        <text>any text entered when claim was amended</text>
        <status>e.g. NEW, PAY, TPY (see table above)</status>
        <text>any text entered when claim was amended</text>

Report Unavailable Response Body

If the report is unavailable, a report unavailable response is returned:

        <text>Report unavailable.</text>
        <text>Please try again later.</text>

Payment Reports

HealthPoint Payments Reconciliation Example

// Payments Report for 24th June, 2015
        reportType: "payments",
        reconDate: "20150624"

The response body consists of the following XML elements (see table below for example):

Response element name Description
payments-reconciliation-response/payments-reconciliation Contains report header elements.
payments-reconciliation-response/payments-reconciliation/healthpoint-terminal-id Terminal id in the DXC system (This value is different to the Tyro TID).
payments-reconciliation-response/payments-reconciliation/payment-date Date that the payment instructions were sent to the bank.
Value is in yyyyMMdd format.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment Contains details of a claim.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/terminal-date-time Local time on the terminal when the claim was submitted.
Value is in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/transaction-date-time Time that the claim was received by the DXC Claim Server.
Value is in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/response-date-time Time that the claim response was received by the DXC Claim Server.
Value is in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/settlement-date-time Time that the payment instruction is expected to be sent to DXC’s bank for execution. Value is in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/provider-id Provider who made the claim
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/private-health-fund-id Fund that processed the claim.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/ref-tag The reference tag generated by the terminal that identifies a transaction per terminal.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/total-claim-amount Total claim amount in cents.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/private-health-fund-total-benefit-amount Benefit amount in cents.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/private-health-fund-response-code Response code from the fund, or 32 for adjustment via CSS.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/payment-amount Amount paid for the claim, in cents.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/text Any text entered when the claim was amended.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/bsb BSB number.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/account-number Bank account number.
payments-reconciliation-response/payment/payment-reference Reference displayed on bank account statement.
payments-reconciliation-response/check Contains a summary of the reconciliation data. Can be used to check that all expected claims have been received and processed.
payments-reconciliation-response/check/total-number-paments Total number of payment elements.
payments-reconciliation-response/check/sum-payment-amount Sum of all payment amounts, in cents.
payments-reconciliation-response/check/sum-claim-amount Sum of all claim amounts, in cents.

Example Payments Reconciliation Report

        <text>any text entered when claim was amended</text>
        <payment-reference>your payment ref</payment-reference>
        <text>any text entered when claim was amended</text>
        <payment-reference>your payment ref</payment-reference>

Payments Reconciliation Report Unavailable Response Body

If the report is unavailable, a report unavailable response is returned:

        <text>Report unavailable.</text>
        <text>Please try again later.</text>
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