Integrated Manual settlement

You are ready to start developing your integrated reports feature now that you have successfully setup your POS to initiate and process requests through iClient in the test environment. Before you begin, please have a look at the certification criteria, which provide a checklist of the minimum requirements for the certification of integrated manual settlement with Tyro.

Certification Criteria Document


The Tyro terminal processes transactions as part of a given settlement period i.e. a business day. The settlement of funds into the settlement account is dependent on the settlement period being closed on the terminal, the terminals are scheduled to automatically close the settlement period once every 24 hrs and the default value of this time is 12 Midnight or 5 AM. The automatic settlement time can be changed on the Tyro terminal if needed, however the terminal can also be settled manually, and the integrated manual settlement feature gives the user the ability to send the settlement request to the terminal via the POS.

The POS can send the integrated manual settlement request to the terminal as part of the end-of-day processes, the terminal receives the request and closes off the current settlement period.

The details of the function required to trigger integrated manual settlement requests and the fields required to handle the response, as well as examples showing integrated manual settlement requests, are given in the specification section below.


Function Definition Purpose Parameters
manualSettlement ( responseReceivedCallback, options ) Initiates a integrated settlement request on the terminal. 1. responseReceivedCallback - Function (A callback function to provide report data or the relevant error message, please refer to the Response received Callback section for more details.). 2. options - An object containing the following parameters as shown in the below table.
Parameter Type Description Required
mid Integer Override the configured mid for multi-merchant terminals, or if your browser does not support local storage, or if you have developed headless pairing as a feature. Optional - Required for headless pairing, multi-merchant, or if your browser does not support local storage.
tid Integer Override the configured tid for multi-merchant terminals or if your browser does not support local storage or if you have implemented headless pairing as a feature. Optional - Required for headless pairing, multi-merchant, or if your browser does not support local storage.
integrationKey String Supply the integration key if your browser does not support local storage or if you have developed headless pairing or multi-merchant as a feature. Optional - Required for headless pairing, multi-merchart, or if your browser does not support local storage.


Demo - JS Fiddle

JS Fiddle

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Making the request

The steps to be followed to initiate a manual settlement are given as follows:

  • The POS sets the parameters that comprise the options object as per the requirements of the specific transaction request, these parameters include the following:
  • The POS is required to use the MID, integrationKey, and TID parameters if multi-merchant or headless pairing is used or if your browser does not support local storage.
  • The POS calls the function doManualSettlement() with the options included.
  • The POS must also reference the callback function in the function invocation.


Given below is an example Javascript code where the POS is sending a manual settlement request to the Tyro terminal as well as the function to handle the callback.

function doManualSettlement() {

var responseReceivedCallback = function(response) {

For handling the response, please refer to Response received Callback

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